Light Shines. La luz brilla

I have come to find that when I am in the midst of darkness, the light has been that much easier to see! Your success depends on your light shining brightly no matter how much darkness surrounds you. Darkness can feel oppressive, but light provides a path in the darkness.

He llegado a descubrir que cuando estoy en medio de la oscuridad, la luz ha sido mucho más fácil de ver. Tu éxito depende de que tu luz brille intensamente sin importar cuánta oscuridad la rodee. La oscuridad puede resultar opresiva, pero la luz proporciona un camino en la oscuridad.

Get Up and Go

Orlando Espinosa

Life is ahead not behind you, so stop looking back. Get up and go! A new path will open up for you, but only if you continue moving forward. Engage and participate in life rather than sitting back and letting life pass you by!

Okay To Fall

Orlando Espinosa

It’s okay to fall, but it’s not okay to give up. No matter how many times you fall, you get up and you keep moving forward! It’s called perseverance!

You just need to decide so

No matter what others say or do to you, you have the ability to walk away and live the amazing life you want to without their existence.

You just need to decide to do so.

Orlando Espinosa

Live Simply Regardless

Orlando Espinosa

If you want to maximize happiness and cultivate more inner peace, expect less. Focus on looking at how many people have less than you do and give genuine thanks for what you do have. Give more and expect less and be surprised with what you get! Don’t give more expecting more!

Grandes riesgos, grandes recompensas

Orlando Espinosa

Great achievements will require you to take great risk! With great risks, you will find great rewards! Don’t be afraid to fail. The big risks, will bring the big rewards.

Ordena tu vida

Orlando Espinosa

If you want to become a happier person, you don’t need to add things to your life — you need to get rid of them. Sometimes we need to get rid of certain things in our lives in order to keep things in perspective!

A few items to help you declutter.

  1. Comparing yourself to others.
  2. Creating unrealistic expectations for yourself.
  3. Living in the past.
  4. Toxic people.
  5. The need to be in control.
  6. Relying on others to make you feel happy and fulfilled.
  7. Feeling sorry for yourself.
  8. Fear of failure.
  9. Holding on to grudges.
  10. Worrying what others think of you.
  11. Being jealous.
  12. Blaming others for your mistakes.
  13. A yearning to fit in.
  14. Overthinking life.
  15. Holding onto items you don’t need.

What are you willing to get rid of in order to keep your perspective in view?

Let Trust Lead

Orlando Espinosa

Un tema de confianza

Trust is what allows us to build meaningful relationships with other people; without it, we would only build superficial relationships. I believe there are different levels of trust and that being skeptical of others is wise. However, without any trust at all, life will become quite lonely. Sometimes you have to take a chance and trust others! Trust what you see, not what you hear.

La confianza es lo que nos permite construir relaciones significativas con otras personas; Sin ella solo construiríamos relaciones superficiales. Creo que hay diferentes niveles de confianza y que es sabio ser escéptico con los demás. Sin embargo, sin confianza alguna, la vida se volvería bastante solitaria. ¡A veces tienes que arriesgarte y confiar en los demás! Confíe en lo que ve, no en lo que oye.

4 Effective Ways to Develop a Better State of Mind

Olivia Lucie Blake

As 2020 closes, I want to share a gift to all of you. This gift is to be remembered at all times especially when dealing with dilemmas beyond your control. Your state of mind is everything. Develop it. Protect it. Value it. It’s a small gift from me to you; a reminder as you reach your dreams in 2021!

Hi, everybody! I’m Monique, a 20-year-old college student and blogger based on the Philippines. I talk about my struggles and experiences as an aspiring writer who just finished writing my very first novel last October. Aside from that, I also spread motivation and advice to young adults my age. I talk about all of this in my blog called I’d appreciate it if you spare a few minutes of your time to visit it and read one or two articles. 

I’m honoured to be partnered with Olivia on this and to be given an opportunity to showcase my ability to talk and write about my passions to an even larger audience. Also, I did an interview with Olivia on my blog! If you want to see it, click here.


Your life is full of possibilities when you’re open to new chances. Before this year ends, take a risk and try it. Don’t mind what other people may think because it’s your decision that will matter. Who knows, that could be your calling and your breakthrough. If you still allow fear to stop you from growing, you will never be able to reach ultimate happiness. If you’re all too caught up with the struggle and not see the purpose behind it, then you will lose sight and eventually lose vision. Don’t waste your time listing all the things you fear. Whether they will support you or not (but in reality, they probably won’t), it does not depend on them for you to stop. Keep going because you’ve just begun. You have to keep going because this is something you’ve waited your whole life to try.


Start 2020 with a mind full of positivity and a brand new beginning. One way to achieve that peace is to permanently stay away from people who keep you from feeling that peace. Don’t wait for them to walk away, don’t wait for them to make another mistake. When all that person reminds you of your terrible past Then do your future self a favor and leave them. Sometimes they have to leave because they no longer have a reason or a use in your life. Their presence in your life is put there for a reason. Whether it is for your growth or for you to build your confidence in yourself. I understand you might feel scared because you don’t know what your life would be without them. But that’s because you’re so caught up with the minimum of life that you thought that’s all you deserve. 

You’re too attached to feeling the same old negative emotions that 2020 brought that you feel strange when you don’t feel offended. If this happens to you, it goes to show you’ve experienced more pain than happiness and your heart is tired but the reason it’s still beating for them is because you have a good one. This means that once you leave those people who aren’t good for you, they are the one who lost somebody and not you. Clear your mind of insecurity so you can see and fight for the worth that’s locked out of yourself for so long. Well, you are wrong. You deserve so much more.


Among all, it is essential to fortify your roots to our Creator. It is important to harness your faith into something long-lasting and meaningful. And that is done by instilling into your mind the peace that you need. You need inner peace to silence the noises of distraction and doubt that surround you. You need fortitude to shield yourself from the evil that comes in many forms; earning your trust and eventually leading you astray from where you’re headed. You can’t bring peace to you; you have to bring yourself to peace. This requires sacrifice to leave those who aren’t good for you. You have to put yourself in a place where you’re best suited to grow in ways you never thought you could.

Strengthen your relationship to the Lord by prayer and constant heed for His guidance in everyday struggle. To develop your mind, you need to be in peace with the Lord. That means getting to know who He is and acknowledging His presence among us and our plans. You need to trust Him that everything will work out according to what He has in store for you for the rest of 2020. Let it be known that He holds our future, but this doesn’t mean we do nothing. We are born here on this earth because we have a mission to do, and this mission must be done by us and no one else. Offer all your worries to Him because you’re not supposed to carry it all by yourself.


With the rise of the digital age, it is as easy as a swipe of a finger to get involved in unnecessary drama of other people. Even if you don’t know these people, social media has hostage you into believing you owe them your opinion. You owe them a small part of your time to sit down and make a statement out of a situation with no importance whatsoever. To develop and most of all, protect your state of mind, stay away from enablers and perpetrators of drama. Stay away from gossipers who love to pass on to you the businesses of others. If you feel the urge to comment, fight it and convince yourself it’s not worth it.

Instead of putting all your energy into disagreeing with people and getting mad at those who contradict you, put all that energy into becoming someone better in 2020 and beyond. Don’t give hate and spite the opportunity to derail your mind from self-improvement. The more you entertain these bad vibes, the more vulnerable and unprotected you are from it.

Makes Life Meaningful.

Orlando Espinosa

The obstacles you face makes life challenging, but overcoming these obstacles makes life meaningful. View every challenge you face as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Today is another day. Orlando Espinosa

Hoy es solo un día más. Es una nueva oportunidad, otra oportunidad, un nuevo comienzo. Abrázalo. ¡Hoy es otro día, otra bendición y otra oportunidad para hacer las cosas!

क्षण कुठला कसा . Reblog.

क्षण कुठला कसा
नाही कुणास ठाव ।
जगतो प्रत्येक क्षण
मनात मात्र हाव ।

चाले आयुष्यभरच मग
नुसती धावाधाव ।
पैसा पैसा करत जगतो
कशाला हवे मोठे नाव ।

निघून जाते वेळ कशी
मग उरते काय राव ।
विचार थोडा करुनिया
वेळ सत्कारणी तू लाव ।

लाभेल तुज थोडी शांती
करू नकोस रे घाव ।
ऐश्वर्याचा होशील धनी
कळेल तुलाच प्रभाव ।

Me encanta la reflexión. Aunque el traductor de Google es un poco espartano, merece la pena.

Is A Part of Life. Orlando Espinosa

Failures are a part of life. Falling down is a part of life, but getting back up is also a part of life. If you don’t fail, you will never learn. You have to decide if you want to stay down or get up and continue moving forward! The choice is yours!

Why So Serious?

Orlando Espinosa

Don’t take yourself too serious, sometimes you need to lighten up in order to have fun and enjoy life! If you can’t find a reason to laugh, you’re taking life too serious.

Empower Yourself — Orlando Espinosa

Never doubt yourself or allow others to create doubt within you. You are capable of accomplishing so much more than you think you can! Never doubt your abilities or what you are able of accomplishing! It’s time to empower yourself!

a través de Empower Yourself — Orlando Espinosa