Las Merindades. Frías.

In memoriam

Life Becomes So Much Better — Orlando Espinosa

You can’t expect others to tell you how wonderful you are, if you don’t believe it yourself! Once you believe you are wonderfully made, life becomes so much better and living it becomes so much easier.

a través de Life Becomes So Much Better — Orlando Espinosa


Asimetría simétrica

Puerta cerrada

Sin intimidad

With Hard Work — Orlando Espinosa

What you build with hard work and implement with a positive spirit you can accomplish. Nothing worth having comes easy, it takes hard work and determination to accomplish goals. Work hard for what you want.

a través de With Hard Work — Orlando Espinosa

Sutil belleza

La fuerza del imperio

Sin riesgo no hay triunfo


Trying To Understand — Orlando Espinosa

I’m still trying to understand what drives people to be narrow minded, negative and nasty! Why do some people feel the need to belittle others when they can use their time and words to encourage and show them respect.

a través de Trying To Understand — Orlando Espinosa

¿Qué hora es, por favor?
