Siento frío

Merry Christmas to you

Ordena tu vida

Orlando Espinosa

If you want to become a happier person, you don’t need to add things to your life — you need to get rid of them. Sometimes we need to get rid of certain things in our lives in order to keep things in perspective!

A few items to help you declutter.

  1. Comparing yourself to others.
  2. Creating unrealistic expectations for yourself.
  3. Living in the past.
  4. Toxic people.
  5. The need to be in control.
  6. Relying on others to make you feel happy and fulfilled.
  7. Feeling sorry for yourself.
  8. Fear of failure.
  9. Holding on to grudges.
  10. Worrying what others think of you.
  11. Being jealous.
  12. Blaming others for your mistakes.
  13. A yearning to fit in.
  14. Overthinking life.
  15. Holding onto items you don’t need.

What are you willing to get rid of in order to keep your perspective in view?

Vida en familia

La paz de los pueblos

Mirando al infinito

Feliz Navidad

Rijeka. Ayuntamiento.

De paseo por Bilbao

Things you can control

Orlando Espinosa

Verde, que te quiero verde


Trofeos de caza

Ojacastro, el castro junto al río Oja, se encuentra camino de Ezcaray, en La Rioja.

En una singular casa junto a la carretera siempre hay algo que llame la atención. Nunca defrauda.

Supervivientes de Halloween


Halloween. Parece que fue ayer.

All I want is…you 🧉

La casita del amor