

Un señor socavón

ALgo más que un simple socavón

Vinos y licores

100 años de soledad


Live Simply Regardless

Orlando Espinosa

If you want to maximize happiness and cultivate more inner peace, expect less. Focus on looking at how many people have less than you do and give genuine thanks for what you do have. Give more and expect less and be surprised with what you get! Don’t give more expecting more!

La vida sigue

Entre las flores


Menos es siempre más

Si te acercas te pincho

Se ha ido el otoño

Grandes riesgos, grandes recompensas

Orlando Espinosa

Great achievements will require you to take great risk! With great risks, you will find great rewards! Don’t be afraid to fail. The big risks, will bring the big rewards.

Que repiquen las campanas

Entre la niebla