Home, sweet home

White & white

In response to the weekly challenge Favorite Place

Nieva sobre el muro

Hoy te toca tender a tí

Nieva sobre la ermita

Santa Elena, Biescas.

La hora de la siesta le pilló en la calle

Wild chamomile. Natural pleasure .

A bit rebel

Tulips in the Pyrenees


Evolution or involution. It all depends on you.

Evolution or involution

You walk along a quiet little town in the country and look up the old buildings that are surrounding the old s. XIV church.

You find out windows that seems to be very old, probably contemporaneous with the church but there are parts that were built later in the history. The lord of the house was probably a rich man with several servants, horses, dozens of cows,…

Huge stones were brought in to build several mansions.

The balcony is from the 19th century. Perhaps there was there a little window before. Hunger and poor harvests for years led to several houses where there was a mansion. It was neccessary to use bricks because stones were to expensive.

Evolution or involution?

The TV antenna are part of the 20th century… Every corner of the house is perhaps a bit dirty. People living there are poorer than anytime before.

Evolution or involution?

It´s like a miracle to have a look to this buildings and start dreaming of the stories that could have happened there.

But it doesn’t seem to be very clear weather it is evolution or involution.

Solo falta que soples tú


Nevada en mi jardín

Nieva en Biescas

Window. From Middle Ages to you.


Farolas de otro tiempo y otro lugar




En algunos pueblos, es creencia popular que ciertos maleficios podían entrar por las chimeneas, razón por la que éstas se remataban con el llamado espantabrujas, aunque a nivel popular también se les denominan capiscoles.

Su utilidad protectora, frente a la vulnerabilidad de la casa a través de la chimenea, es que las brujas que sobrevuelan los tejados, montadas en sus escobas, no se introduzcan por el tiro de las chimeneas en las casas.

En muchas chimeneas altoaragonesas aparecen estos curiosos objetos, que unas veces son una simple piedra vertical, otras una piedra en forma de cono, otras un puchero, por la simbología purificadora del agua, otras una cruz o como en el caso de los pueblos del Serrablo, seres de apariencia terrorífica.

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