Entre girasoles

Your True Character — Orlando Espinosa

If you want to know the real character of someone, then you need to see how they treats those who cannot do anything for them. Treating others with love, dignity, and respect will provide you an opportunity to build stronger relationships and shoe your true character.

a través de Your True Character — Orlando Espinosa


La casa del cura

Asómate a la ventana, bella flor

Bella flor

Techo protector

Hijos de un Dios menor

La guía de vida

You Allow Them — Orlando Espinosa

What you tolerate will persist in regards to behaviors from others and situations you allow. People who lack self respect and don’t take care of themselves invite disrespect into their lives. People will treat you the way you allow them to.

a través de You Allow Them — Orlando Espinosa

Desde la torre del Homenaje

Portal al campo

El rey de las alturas

Stop Comparing — Orlando Espinosa

Instead of comparing yourself to others, take a look at yourself and see if you’re fulfilling your own potential to the best of your abilities. Your story is unique and different to the lives of others. Stop comparing yourself to others and start creating your own opportunities. There is no comparison.

a través de Stop Comparing — Orlando Espinosa
