De la tierra a la mesa

Take away. La nueva normalidad.

San Pedro de Lárrede

San Pedro de Lárrede is a church located in Lárrede, Huesca (Spain).  It was built around 1050 in the Aragonese Romanesque style, belonging to the …

San Pedro de Lárrede

In the middle of the green

Adegas galegas

Pulpo a la gallega

carpe diem

“CARPE DIEM” “Unconditioned truth” …only holds… the Wise It is efficient and sufficient. Don’t enter the same river twice! STOP! Here, arrives the …

carpe diem

El Círculo

Fundadores de Lucus Augusti

De copas por Lugo

Nieblas matutinas

Poco a poco llega el frío

Golden hour

Tras el resplandor
