Pasado, presente y futuro

Parajes inolvidables


Preparado para el asalto

Quiet and peaceful little vintage corner

Hotel Viura

Un sitio fantástico, fuera de todo y en mitad de todo.

Hotel Viura.

No te defraudará.

Siempre igual, siempre diferente

Marqués de Riscal
Marqués de Riscal

Bodega de camuflaje

Ambiente rural


Al galope

Bodega Ysios, Laguardia, camuflaje perfecto

Reflejos del vecino

Salinas de Añana, Álava

En un rincón de Álava…

Bodega Remírez de Ganuza: Cerrada y bien cerrada.

This is part of Norm Frampton’s weekly photo challenge Thursday Doors for door-lovers around the world. Follow the link for Thursday Doors to learn more.

Bodega Remírez de Ganuza
Bodega Remírez de Ganuza

Thank you for visiting!

Bodega Remírez – Genus

Remírez – Ganuza winery, Rioja.

The winery is in the centre of Samaniego, Álava.

Surrounded by a hamlet of rambling old buildings, the winery comprises modern concrete buildings covered with original old brickwork in keeping with the traditional architecture of the local area.

Grouped around a large central courtyard divided by a natural waterway, the buildings making up the winery have their own separate purpose in the various stages of the crafting of the wine: an area for the barrels, cellars, cold rooms and a selection area.

The traditional architecture of the winery complete with an interior made of hundred-year-old oak beams contrasts with pioneering and innovative modern methods.