Rincones 2


Cómo te echo de menos

What Life Has To Offer — Orlando Espinosa

There are certain things in life that bring along a feeling of genuine happiness. These things brighten our days and bring a smile to our faces. There are just certain things we come across in life that are just amazing. Don’t go through life having never really experienced what life has to offer. Strive to […]

a través de What Life Has To Offer — Orlando Espinosa


Camino al cielo

Your Own Path — Orlando Espinosa

Don’t choose your path in life based on the expectations set on you by others. It’s your life and your decision to create the path that you want to follow!

a través de Your Own Path — Orlando Espinosa

Somos una piña

Piedra y cal

If You’re Not Happy — Orlando Espinosa

If you’re not happy with something in your life, you can complain about it, or you can work to change it. There is nothing worth it, if you are not happy. Eliminate what is keep you from happiness.

a través de If You’re Not Happy — Orlando Espinosa


A un paso del paraíso

Epicuro y la felicidad (Epicurus and the happiness) — Placeres del alma

Epicuro fue uno de los grandes filósofos griegos de la antigüedad. Según él “El placer es el principio y el fin de una vida feliz”. Planteaba que la finalidad de la existencia del ser humano era conseguir una vida plena, y que esto se logra mediante el placer. Estas son cinco frases elegidas. Epicurus was […]

a través de Epicuro y la felicidad (Epicurus and the happiness) — Placeres del alma

Al otro lado del muro

¿Cómo no te voy a querer?