Vineyards in Bernardville, Alsace


What´s La Rioja, in Spain?. Esto es La Rioja.

La Rioja
La Rioja

La Rioja and its roots. We´d never forget it.

La Rioja
La Rioja and its roots

La Rioja is the smallest of the 17 regions that comprise Spain. Not more than 5.000 km and 325.000 inhabitants. It is located in the north of the Iberian Peninsula.It covers part of the Ebro valley towards its north and the Iberian Range in the south.

It´s always been a crossroad across celts and iberus, across celts and romans, across muslims and christians, across across Castilla and Navarra kingdoms, across frenchs and spaniards,…La Rioja was often a disputed territory.

200 years ago it was neither an autonomous community nor a province. Since then, many things have changed but the essence remains: a crossroad where euskara (basque language) was written, where the spanish language was written. Both of them in the twin monasteries, Yuso and Suso, in San Millan de la Cogolla, which were declared a World Heritage Site in 1997.

The region is well known all over the world because of its wines.

Everybody is welcome but…

…as we usually say, there is no merit in being from La Rioja, we just were lucky to be was born here.

And we´ll never forget our roots.

Entre viñas


Lo que la vendimia dejó olvidado


Avenida de La Rioja


Sangra la viña


Se va acabando la vendimia. Se acabó el blanco, se acabó el tempranillo… y solo queda el mazuelo y el graciano.

Cuando la vendimia pasa, las hojas van mudando de color y tal parece que los viñedos sangran después de haber dado su preciado fruto y al recorrer los campos aparecen teñidos de sangre.

Esencia Rioja 2


Esencia Rioja


Visita ritual


Cuando hace casi dos años comencé con este blog, tomé este guardavías como el símbolo del mismo.

por ello, me gusta periódicamente acercarme a verlo, rodeado de verdes viñas, arropado por los ocres de la post-vendimia o cubierto de nieve. Es la visita ritual de pleitesía hacia el símbolo del blog.

Atardece en el viñedo


Senderos de vino


Mirando al mar… de vino


Cárcel de viñas


Viñedos nevados
