
Aldous Huxley / The Doors of Perception — blackwings666

a través de Aldous Huxley / The Doors of Perception — blackwings666

Hora de calor, mucho calor

All over the town


The Opinions of Others — Orlando Espinosa

Someone’s negative opinion of you can have a huge impact on your life, if you let it. It’s great to hear the opinions of others, but you shouldn’t allow every opinion chip away at your self-belief. Never let the opinions of others consume you, live your life and live to be as great as you […]

a través de The Opinions of Others — Orlando Espinosa

I found a love for me


Las promesas se cumplen

El principio del Camino

Quiero ser tu refugio

Puerta al pasado

La derrota de Roland (La Chanson de Roland)

Ermita de Santiago y silo de Carlomagno, Roncesvalles

Esos lazos invisibles que nos atan a ti y a mí